Thursday, August 26, 2021

How Executive search firms in Indonesia are redefining recruitment practices?

The Executive search firms in Indonesia have taken a daunting task at their hand that comprises of building the strategy around the employer brand and redefining HR. The experimental lab helps in looking at how to move forward the HR by filling it with ideas and other case studies. As a global initiative for the purpose of accelerating education and innovation in the field of recruitment, here are some of the forward looking recruitment strategies being adopted for the purpose of redefining the HR process:

 Upgrading the role to talent advisor

Earlier, the executive search firms used to view hiring organisations as their customers. But, in the progressive world of today, the Executive search company Indonesia have evolved into becoming talent advisors and their relationship with the hiring organisation is becoming that of equals. It is thus no longer about accepting unrealistic salary ranges and target candidate profile and implementation of a bad interview process from the hiring companies. The recruitment firms have now become the strategic partner. They follow diversity and inclusion in their approach at the time of hiring.


·        Promoting diversity across talent pipeline

Earlier only 1 in 3 recruitment firm used to track diversity parameter in its talent pool. But, Executive search Indonesia is now promoting diversity across the recruitment funnel. The executive recruiters now understand the diversity metrics at each and every stage of recruitment or talent pool building and ensure that there is no loss of diverse talent at any stage. In order to ensure this they are sourcing the desired candidates and hitting the desired ones at the time of recruitment. At each and every stage of the recruitment and talent funnel, they are closely monitoring and measuring the diversity metrics.

·        Emphasis on internal mobility and workforce coaches

About 70% of the recruiters see internal mobility as a significant factor for retaining the employees and ensuring employee engagement. This is the reason, they are developing, engaging and retaining the employees by offering career coaching. The recruiters are holding meetings with the employees of the hiring organisations to understand their career growth aspirations in order to align the goals of the employees with that of the organisation by suggesting ways for upskilling and opportunities for pursuing the internal roles in the company. The executive search companies are becoming an incubator of talent because of its ability to fill back the job roles with exceptional talent.

To sum up, the recruiters in today's time are evolving and innovating themselves and their related practices in order to establish modern team and make the workforce more supportive, inclusive and human.

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