Sunday, August 8, 2021

Executive search in Indonesia and COVID-19

Potentia HR, executive search Indonesia has successfully managed to find top performing executives over the past year for several companies across the globe. We have achieved the feat of being able to carry out successful recruitment and surpass competition despite the pandemic.  We did this by being flexible and adapting the ne changed scenario by using Zoom meetings, virtual tours, socially distanced meetings, meetings, etc. in order to search the best executive for our clients.

Traditionally, finding an executive involves group meetings with many people. Executive search company Indonesia use this process to find out how a candidate can interact with others and socially connects with a bigger team. Their aim is to create a situation where the interviewers are stimulated intellectually while also making a safe environment where the candidate can prove their leadership abilities.

In order to create the right atmosphere for an interview in these remote settings we have limited large group meetings. Large group meetings can come across as awkward and isolating for the participants. Our key is small meetings that are creative. This will facilitate an environment where the candidates and stakeholders can comfortably talk to each other. We even go for quick strategy sessions, or a socially distanced walk.

Long meetings at a stretch can be very cumbersome and frustrating. Therefore, we have replaced them with more frequent short meetings along with check ins frequently. These meetings are easier to schedule next to each other as no travelling is required. This used to be a big scheduling challenge when things were conducted online.

With the pandemic affecting normal procedures of selection, stakeholders and the candidates did face a lot of stress in the executive search process. To overcome this, we focused on building trust. We also focused on creating connections and consensus among every stake holder that was involved in the process. Thus, we put forward the concept of facing any issue that the pandemic caused to the operation of the process by working together as one collective unit. In order to achieve this unity, we made it important to have a heightened sense of transparency and communication between everybody involved. 

Before the pandemic, we determined a define process before every executive search. However, with circumstances changing quickly, we decided to become flexible and adapt to the situation rapidly. We have refined our search process and nothing is fixed.

Getting everybody to come on board with a new recruitment especially during the pandemic is a difficult task. By being transparent we have made sure that our clients are made aware of all the changes and happening and any new updates in the search process. This has helped us build trust and the mutual understanding that a right recruitment decision will be taken together with everybody’s consensus. This is what ultimately helped us to be one of the top executive search firms in Indonesia.

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