Wednesday, April 21, 2021

How Outsourcing Headhunting In Indonesia Can Help You Lessen The Skill Gap?

 In the ever dynamic, ever competitive job market, finding top talent is like finding the needle in the haystack. Possible but extremely difficult and time consuming. As a result of this, many companies are resulting from the problem of Skill Gap. Let me explain this in detail. With the delay in the hiring process, the skill set of a candidate that reaches from screening to hiring is getting irrelevant thanks to the ever changing needs of the market leading to skill gaps in the employees. 


In order to address this problem, you need to ensure that your recruitment process is fast, efficient and gets you the right candidate everytime. Something you can achieve easily by outsourcing headhunting Indonesia

Here is a list of ways outsourcing head hunting Indonesia can help you:

  1. In Finding Candidate That Are Relevant For Both Hard And Soft Skills

In today’s competitive world, hard skills can no more be the sole criteria for hiring a candidate. It is the soft skills like communication, culture, creativity and out of the box thinking that can help both the employee and your organisation grow. This will also ensure a high retention rate as the company's goals coincide with the individual’s goals leading to higher motivation levels and better performance. 

2.                  Passive Candidates 

Recruitment is all about finding the right person both in skill set as well as company culture and rolling out an ad for the job vacancy is not going to get you the right person all the time. The headhunting firms have access to a build-up database of both active as well as passive candidates and therefore can help you get the most relevant candidates from the best of the lot. 

3.                  Well Planned Training Programs 

Headhunting firms have years of experience in planning and implementing training programs. In addition to this, they can use their industrial knowledge and can help you create a futuristic training program thus preparing your employees for the changing business needs in advance. This will not only bridge the skill gap in the organisation but will also ensure consistent growth and high performance charts of employees. 

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