Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Here Are The Must Know Do's And Dont's Of Writing An Effective CV

Writing a CV is considered as the first and foremost step towards getting into an organisation. It is the window through which the executive search firms in Indonesia peek into the candidate's profile and shortlist them for the current job opening. This is the reason the CV is considered to be very crucial. Having said that, here is the essential tips one must be aware of before writing an effective CV that works wonders for the candidate:

·         Length

The executive search Indonesia companies consider three pages to be the ideal length for CV. For candidates who carry a vast experience, the CV can be stretched to even four pages, but, for beginners, a two page CV is considered to be apt.

·         Opening Of CV

A CV which starts with a short paragraph highlighting the skills the candidate has along with an overview of the work experience gained till date is considered to be an ideal start.

·         Layout

The layout of the CV should be in reverse chronological order, i.e. the latest role should come first and so on. The details in terms of month and year of when the job was started and when finished with one firm should be carefully provided.

·         Role Description

In the scenario where you have handled different job roles in the past, make sure to provide the description of the business activities  of the past company and your role in the same. You may include details on your promotions. Don't forget to add your achievements in your CV, this will help in building a strong bond.


Talking just about the DO's won't make our point clear, here are the essential things one must avoid in CV to maximize the chance of being shortlisted by the top executive search firms in Indonesia:


·         Errors In CV

It's a big NO. Any sort of grammatical or even the typographical errors should be avoided. This is because such errors portray a casual and even the careless attitude of the candidate to the recruitment firms.

·         Don't Sell Yourself

In the CV make sure to stick to the facts and furnish details about the roles and responsibilities you have handled in the past. In any means, don't exaggerate and your enthusiasm should not be such that it is presumed as one of the selling trick.

·         Employer Logo

There are few individuals who add logos and pictures of the prospective employer in the CV. Such things are usually not appreciated. Thus, one must not add any kind of logo or picture related to the employer.

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