The startup boom in Indonesia has also resulted in bringing about a significant change in the manner in which leaders lead their teams. Hence, it has become extremely important for hiring organizations as well as candidates applying for leadership roles to understand the difference between corporate and startup-style leadership. The most important points of difference between the two as identified by the experts from a top headhunting Indonesia company are as follows.
Methods Of Interaction And Communication
Top level executives in corporations tend to interact with their team members more formally and authoritatively and through proper channels. The higher the executives are placed in the hierarchical ladder, the more intense and commanding is their way of communicating with their juniors. However, in a startup environment, the leaders often favor an informal style of communication with their subordinates.
Expression Of Ideas And Opinions
In most corporations, the expression of ideas and opinions by the subordinates is not done directly in front of the leaders. Rather they need to present their views to their immediate supervisors and trust them to forward them to the leaders on time and without making any changes. In a startup environment, the team members have direct access to the leaders and given the open form of communication they can express their ideas and opinions freely.
Hierarchical Vs Collaborative Work Style
Leadership executives working in corporate environments are given to the hierarchical style of working. According to head hunting Indonesia companies, this helps in creating a more stable work environment. In a startup company, the leaders believe more in working in a collaborative manner with their team members to ensure the cumulative growth of both business and personnel.
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