Performing background checks is one of the most important aspects of recruiting the right candidates for specific job positions. In this context, the experts from a leading recruitment company Indonesia advise their clients to focus on the following five key aspects while conducting background checks.
- Confirming the basic information provided by the candidates, such as the duration of employment, job title, and responsibilities, and their general relationships at work should be the top priority of hiring organizations.
- Seeking information about the salary, bonuses, incentives, and other perks that the candidates were drawing, should also form an integral part of the background checks as it will help them assess the true financial value of the candidates.
- Learning about the things that the candidates were best at in their previous job roles and the responsibilities that the referees would recommend them for is another key focus area according to the experts from top recruitment agency Indonesia.
- In addition to the strengths of the candidates, the hiring organizations should also seek information about their weaknesses from the referees to gain a better insight into their overall competence.
- Finally, the hiring organizations need to seek information about the overall performance and behavior of the candidates within their previous organizations so that they can assess whether or not the candidates will prove to be a perfect cultural fit for their company.
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