An effective talent pool is considered to be the greatest asset of an Executive search company Indonesia, particularly in this environment which is defined by competition. With effective recruitment strategies in place, the Executive search firms in Indonesia are not only able to attract quality candidates and reduce the time to hire, but also, improve the quality of hire, cost of hire and the efficiency of the executive search Indonesia process.

Since, Indonesia has a candidate driven market, there is an increased competition for employers to attract and hire the quality candidates. Here are some of the effective strategies to interest, source and hire potential candidates as adopted by the executive search companies. Take a look:
Employee Referral Program
As per the research done in the past, the quality of hiring can be increased by a factor of 10 if the network of the employees is considered at the time of hiring new candidates. 80% of the executive recruiters agreed that the employees hired through referral program have a high potential to stay in the organization for a longer period as compared to those who are hired through job boards.
Social Recruitment
Social recruiting has become one of the most powerful hiring tools for the individuals who connect with the potential candidates through different social media platforms. This is essential because these days even potential candidates consider the various social media platforms as one of the most useful job resources. The social media can be used for connecting with active as well as passive task force. Also, it can be used for building talent pool with the candidates.
Inbound Recruitment
Job seekers can even be captured through the website of the executive search company or the employers who are looking for potential employees. To make this recruitment strategy effective, it is important to ensure that the website has all the basic elements which can help in driving the job seekers to apply for a particular job position. A particular career page may be dedicated for this purpose where the job seekers can submit a form with their resumes for organization to consider. A dynamic job board can be placed for job seekers to browse through the opportunities.
Running Talent Acquisition Process
A dedicated talent acquisition process is usually conducted by the recruitment firm to hire candidates for different client organisations. Various big picture initiatives are taken for this purpose.
The executive recruiters hand select as well as prescreen the candidates based on the needs and fit of the company. This prescreening process saves the time of weeding through various job resumes and selecting the right one.
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