Thursday, May 13, 2021

How are recruitment firms Indonesia shortlisting candidates for a perfect hiring?

Without denying hiring the right set of people is pre-requisite to make the organisation run on the path of success. This is the reason the recruitment company Indonesia takes a lot of efforts when it comes to making the perfect hire. The entire process of understanding the requirements of the job description, reviewing resumes, shortlisting candidates, conducting interviews and making the hiring requires a lot of hard work on the part of the recruitment firms Indonesia.

A lot of effort is being taken by the recruitment companies in attracting the right candidates and then making them reach the shortlisting stage. Let's understand the methods being incorporated by recruitment agency Indonesia is shortlisting the candidates for a perfect hire:

·        Employee persona

Employee persona helps in understanding what will make the perfect fit for the workforce. This calls for analysing the traits of the candidates by comparing them with the existing employee in order to ascertain their capability. For this purpose the recruiter usually checks the area of expertise, individual goals, behaviour and then judge whether the candidate will fit or not in the company and its culture.


·        M.E.P

MEP is basically a marking system, incorporated by the recruitment agencies for the purpose of ascertaining the points gained by a candidate in 3 fields, namely, Minimum mandatory requirement, Essential skills and Preferred attributes. This brings the number system into play, which helps in making a rational decision. Considering the checks this a time consuming process if there is a long list of candidates waiting for shortlisting. In such cases you may employ one or more attribute or forgo this method completely.


·        Break down the process

This a method that calls for simple elimination rather than spending time of calculating the attributes and then giving a score to each candidate. Here the essential attributes are taken as mandatory checks and the rest are eliminated. Now, the candidates who don't pass the preferred credentials are eliminated and the remaining are shortlisted for the interview.


·        Follow the instinct

The recruitment firms are often seen using their instinct in hiring. Although the entire screening process should not be based on instinct based hiring and is certainly based on a scientific screening process. There are instances when a candidate passes the different tests yet do not meet the preferred attributes; this result in elimination. Since these are the workers the hiring organisation will have in their workforce, the recruitment agencies are required to rely both on scientific methods of hiring and instinct based hiring. Although due to the added layers, the hiring process turns a little more lengthy.

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