Monday, December 14, 2020

How executive search is different from recruitment?

 Often the terms, executive search and recruitment are considered as same, but are they really the same. Well, there is a significant difference between the two terms as well as their approach.

The first and striking difference is in the group of candidates the two approaches target. The recruitment firms usually work with the active candidates while the executive search firms in Indonesia work in close coordination with the passive set of candidates who are really not eyeing a job change.

To make things a little more clear, let's first deduce the definition of the two terms. Recruitment is basically the process of identifying an active pool of candidates who are looking for a change from their current job. Executive search on the other hand is the process of identification of passive candidates and create their interest in the current job opening in order to induce them to consider the opportunity.

Here are some of the key differences between executive search and recruitment:

  • Start of the process
The process of recruitment starts with the formation of the job description and circulating the same to active candidates. The executive search process starts when the top executive search firms in Indonesia gain a clear understanding of the expectations of the clients and then devise future plans for the organisation.

  • Candidate identification

In the recruitment process, the candidates are identified using database of an online CV, the different job portals and then matching the same with the specified job descriptions. In the process of executive search Indonesia, the target set of candidates is matched with the job description and the candidates usually belong to the diverse backgrounds and are usually contacted in person or through network.

  • What is done in the process
During the process of recruitment, a keyword based on the job description is being identified and the search is done on it. But, during executive search, the firms usually build an active story about the organisation and use the same to create interest in the minds of potential talent.

  • Candidate interaction
The way the firms interact with the candidates is quite different in both recruitment and executive search. In recruitment, there is a brief interaction with the candidate for the purpose of checking the suitability of the candidate with the job description. After seeing the keenness of the candidate, the profiles are shared with the client organisation by the recruitment firm. However, the executive search firms take time for initiating career dialogue with the prospective employees and first spend time in understanding their experience and fitment in the client organisation's work setup.
The executive search process is basically a specialised form of recruitment and is more extensive than the regular recruitment process.

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